
Distribution network domestic:

Tycoon aluminum quality excellent, color novel, a wide variety, since put on the market by the vast number of consumers, but also won the majority of dealers, sales network throughout the country each are big in small city. Enterprise has always been concerned about the international market development trends, the WTO pressure into motive force, envy on product undertakes strategical adjust, Far East, Middle East, Southeast of products in Europe, Africa and other countries and regions.

Our service commitment:

Buy gratified——the purchase process professional on the product properties are introduced in detail;
Customer service——customer service professional staff at any time waiting for answer to difficult problem;
The use of worry——problems during the using process of service call;
Service Shu Xin——service process service personal if a positive attitude, customer complaints that punish with due severity.

Concentrating on with meticulous care,Sticking the heart serves

Tycoon has always believed, perfect service, warm and full of attitude, will be on the broad masses of old and new customers the best feedback.
And our customers is not just a business partnership, which also includes the trust to us, only by constantly improving service quality, improve the service system, is our continuous development and expansion of the route one must take.